Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Limitation of Array of Pointers to Strings in C programming language

When we are using a two-dimensional array of characters we are at liberty to either initialize the strings where we are declaring the array, or receive the strings using scanf( ) function. However, when we are using an array of pointers to strings we can initialize the strings at the place where we are declaring the array, but we cannot receive the strings from keyboard using scanf( ). Thus, the following program would never work out.

main( )
char *names[6] ;
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i <= 5 ; i++ )
printf ( "\nEnter name " ) ;
scanf ( "%s", names[i] ) ;

The program doesn’t work because; when we are declaring the array it is containing garbage values. And it would be definitely wrong to send these garbage values to scanf( ) as the addresses where it should keep the strings received from the keyboard.